Sustainability Policy
Does your janitorial service provider have a documented
Sustainability Policy?
Have they established Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)
that will allow them to periodically measure their performance against those
sustainability indicators? Does their Policy have teeth, and is it fully
supported by all levels of management and control?
A typical Sustainability Policy will address several
critical areas. A sampling of those would include:
Financial Stability
Sustainability is dependent upon financial stability. Does
your janitorial service provider demonstrate solid financial performance? Do
they have the financial results that allow them to make necessary investments
in new cleaning technologies, tools, equipment, and processes? Do they appear
to be well-positioned for long-term financial health?
Retention of Employees
How well does your service provider retain its employees? Do
they have an effective Employee Retention Program? What is their employee
turnover rate? Do they put sufficient focus on the retention of their
most highly skilled personnel? Those janitorial services that have a strong
track-record of employee retention will have a distinct advantage in terms of
operational sustainability.
Quality of Services
Sustainability requires customers. Customers demand
high-quality services. A janitorial service provider that is constantly
fighting quality control issues is unlikely to achieve a sustainable customer
base. What has been the overall quality of the work done by your service
provider? Do they consistently meet your requirements, or, have there been
periods where the quality of work has deteriorated? When issues do arise does
your provider respond quickly? Do they demonstrate an effective closed-loop
corrective action process?
Lack of an effective quality control program will jeopardize
the sustainability of any janitorial service program.
Goals and Objectives - Continuous Improvement
Long-term sustainability requires a mindset of superior
performance coupled with continuous improvement. Does your janitorial service
have a formal process for establishing operational goals and objectives? Are
those goals and objectives tied to established KPI's for their operation? Do
they measure actual performance against those targets, and do they take
corrective actions to remedy areas that fall below expectations?
An example of
Sustainability Policy can be found at the following link
Doing just a bit of
homework, and asking your janitorial service provider a few questions, will
give you some insights into the sustainability of your janitorial service
program. Being proactive in this assessment could allow you to take necessary
action(s) sooner rather than later.
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